The U.S. House of Representatives has supported both articles of impeachment by Donald trump. Trump was accused of abuse of power, as well as obstructing the work of Congress. For the first charge, 230 members of the house voted (with the necessary 216), for the second – 229. Before the vote, the debate lasted six…
Clues from the Career Coach Guide: Military Resume Writing
Employers value the skills that you developed during your military career. Teamwork, leadership, adaptability, and dedication are all highly desirable qualities in a job candidate. Military to civilian resumes must communicate these factors as well as technical credentials. Before working on your resume, you should decide on a direction for your civilian career. You need…
Announcement of a U.S. Senate Exploratory Committee
Immediate Release Contact Skip Salvesen: 215-493-7794 One of the most decorated Vietnam War veterans and youngest Captains of the U.S. Army, David A. Christian of Bucks County, announced his launch of an Exploratory Committee to survey a bid for the 2012 U.S. Senate seat currently held by Bob Casey Jr. Christian, a veteran’s advocate and…